Construct a rhombus with side and one diagonal . Measure the other diagonal.
Important Questions on Constructions
Construct a rhombus in which and diagonal .

Which of the following steps is INCORRECT while constructing a rhombus , given that and ?
Step : Draw .
Step : Draw , the perpendicular of . intersects at point .
Step : With as centre and radius equal to , drawn an arc cutting at .
Step : With as centre and radius equal to , draw another arc cutting at .
Step : Join and .

Construct a square, each of whose diagonals measure .

A rhombus can be constructed if the measure of one side and _____ or _____ is known.

Steps of construction of a Rhombus, whose one side is and a diagonal is equal to are given below.
Step : Mark the points of intersection of arcs above asand below as.
Step : Withas a centre, draw arcs of above and below of .
Step : Draw .
Step : Join and .
Step : With as the centre, draw arcs of above and below of .
Identify the correct order of construction of the Rhombus.

Construct a rhombus the length of whose diagonals are and .

Construct a rectangle whose adjacent sides are and .

Construct quadrilateral with the measurements given below:
Rhombus with and

Construct a rectangle in which and diagonal . Measure the other side of the rectangle.

Step I: Draw a line
From set off cutting at .
From draw
Mark any point on
Step V: Construct and , meeting at and respectively.

The correct order of steps of construction of an equilateral of side is
Step : With as centre and radius , draw another arc to cut the first arc at .
Step : We draw a line segment of length .
Step : Join .
Step : With as centre and radius , draw an arc.

Construct quadrilaterals for measurements given below:
A rhombus with